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ECHOES-ICT Nkonya Multi-Purpose School-Based Resource Center

By Wayan Vota on May 25, 2010

The goal of ECHOES-ICT is to Empower Rural cocoa communities through access to local ICTs and Community Centers.


  1. Develop one Multi Purpose School Based Resource Center (MPSBRC) with 10 computers in Nkonya in the Sefwi Wiawso district
  2. Utilize eGranary and solar power for the Resource Center and serve the local community/teachers/ parents/farmers, district offices, in the catchment areas of the ECHOES project
  3. Create with the community practical computer literacy training for teachers, and learning space for out of school youth, students, and parents

In addition to the aforementioned objectives, the center will provide a venue for literacy classes for the ECHOES out-of-school youth, as well as other community education activities such as HIV/AIDS awareness events for targeted children, agriculture club members, scholarship parents and eventually the larger community. ECHOES will work closely with community leaders to develop a sustainability plan for the center that will include community support for the continued maintenance of the building.

ECHOES is an alliance with USAID, the World Cocoa Foundation, Winrock, and IFESH that has educational programs for children, youth, and parents, in cocoa communities in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.

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Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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