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Apply Now: $100,000 for Digital Solutions to the Global Food Crisis

By Wayan Vota on October 24, 2022

wfp funding

Up to 828 million people – more than one in ten of the world’s population – still go to bed hungry each night. A deadly combination of conflict, climate change, and the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is at the root of soaring hunger numbers and overall food insecurity. The economic fallout of the pandemic, and then the war in Ukraine, has pushed prices up and put food out of reach for millions of people across the world.

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$100,000 WFP Innovation Challenge

The WFP Innovation Challenge is looking for low and high tech solutions including mobile technology, artificial intelligence, big data, robotics and blockchain, in new business models to end hunger. This Challenge is specifically looking for:

  • Innovative solutions to mitigate the rising cost of inputs and food.
  • Innovative solutions to strengthen productivity and outcomes along food value chains.
  • Innovative solutions to build resilient communities through livelihood creation and youth engagement.

Selected projects will be able to apply for the WFP Sprint Programme, a six-month acceleration programme providing up to US$ 100,000 in equity-free funding, mentorship, and access to WFP’s global network of partners and field operations across more than 120
countries and territories.

Apply Now! Deadline is November 3, 2022

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Filed Under: Agriculture, Funding
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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4 Comments to “Apply Now: $100,000 for Digital Solutions to the Global Food Crisis”


    So wonderful indeed

  2. Felix cherutich says:

    Am a student I kisii university pursuing bachelor of applied pied computer science and I am a second year. I love coding and writing scripts and am good in application software like excel, word

  3. Jackson Asimba Ratemo says:

    Trying to work with every available agency to improve climate change to lives in most affected areas globally.

  4. Osazuwa Osasere Valentina says:

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