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Configuring the Linksys PAP2T ATA

By Wayan Vota on September 18, 2009

Configuring the Linksys PAP2T is a relatively simple task.  Here are the steps to get you up and running.


Physical Connections

  1. Connect the ATA to power making sure to use a 5V power adapter.  Connecting 12V to the ATA will damage the equipment.
  2. Connect the ATA port labeled Internet to your network with an ethernet cable. Make sure the ethernet cable has been tested and that a computer can acces the internet using the same cable and switch port to be used for the ATA.
  3. Connect a telephone to the port labeled Phone 1 on the ATA

Using the ATA’s Voice Menu

We find it’s best to configure ATAs with static IP addresses, even in DHCP networks so it’s easy to find their configuration pages if you need to make changes later. The Linksys ATA, though, comes configured to look for DHCP out of the box. You’ll need to use the phone’s voice menu to turn off DHCP and set an address. If you will have multiple ATAs, it can be convenient to group all the ATAs together in a similar address range, for example between and

  1. Pick an IP address on your network that you know is unused.
  2. Pick up the phone and dial **** to access the ATA’s voice menu
  3. Dial 100# to check the status of DHCP on the ATA, it will probably say “Enabled”
  4. Dial 101# to change the DHCP setting, the ATA will say “Enter value…”
  5. Dial 0# to set DCHP to disabled, the phone will say “Press 1 to Save…”
  6. Dial 1 to save the setting
  7. The ATA should return to the main voice menu.  If it did not, hang up, pick up the phone, and dial **** again.
  8. Dial 111# to set a static IP address.
  9. Dial the IP address chosen in step 1, using * for dots and ending with a #.  For example, if the IP address was, dial 192*168*100*51#
  10. Dial 1 to save the IP address.
  11. At the ATA main voice menu, dial 110# to check that the IP address was properly stored.  The ATA should read back the IP address.  (Note,
    the ATA must be physically connected to a network with an ethernet cable…if no ethernet
    cable is connected to the ATA, it will always read for the IP
  12. Hang up the phone.
  13. Try to ping the ATA’s IP address from another computer on the same network.  If the ATA is pingable, continue to the next step.  If the ATA is not pingable, repeat steps 2-12 to check settings until the ATA is reachable by ping.

Basic Browser Configuration

Now that the phone has an IP address, the rest of the configuration can be done from a browser on a computer on the same network.  Inveneo recommends Firefox.

  1. Open your web browser and connect to the IP address set for the ATA above. The browser should display the Linksys PAP2 configuration screen.
  2. The Linksys PAP2T Configuration Interface
  3. In the upper right corner, click “Admin Login”
  4. Click the “System” tab near the top of the screen
  5. Fill in the same settings for the ATA that you would use when configuring any other computer for the network.  The gateway, net mask, primary DNS, and (if necessary) secondary DNS field should be completed.
  6. Linksys PAP2T basic network settings
  7. Click “Save settings” Near the bottom of the page
  8. The text “Please wait while the PAP2 updates its settings…” will display for a few seconds, and then the browser should return to the info page of the Linksys configuration.
  9. Click the “Line 1” tab
  10. For proxy, enter the IP address of the Inveneo IHL server or other VOIP server being used to provide VOIP service.
  11. Make sure register is set to yes
  12. To continue beyond this step, a VOIP extension with username and password must have been created on the VOIP server providing service to this ATA.  One VOIP account must be created for each ATA or VOIP device in the network 
  13. Set both display name and username to the VOIP username for this ATA.  If configuring for an Inveneo IHL server or other Asterisk server, the username and display name will be the extension number (not the extension name) created for this ATA.
  14. For password, enter the password for the VOIP account for this ATA.
  15. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Settings
  16. The browser should again return to the main page of the Linksys configuration screen
  17. In the “Line 1 Status” section of the status screen the
    “Registration State” field should read Online. If the ATA shows its status as online it has successfully connected to the VOIP server.  If it shows “Registration state: offline” repeat steps 1-14 and check settings.
  18. Linksys PAP2T Registration Status
  19. Pick up the phone, a dial tone should now be present on the line.
  20. Dial one of the extensions in the network, test that the phone rings, and check the voice quality
  21. Hang up the phone.

The ATA is now configured. Depending on network bandwidth, it may be necessary to adjust VOIP codec settings.The default u711 voice codec is high quality, high bandwidth, and works well over high bandwidth, long range wifi links. If connecting over the internet, higher compression codecs will be required.

Advanced Configuration Options: Ring Voltage

ATA configuration is complete, but there are a few additional settings that may be necessary depending on equipment and deployment specifics. In particular, if the VOIP works properly when dialing but the ringer does not ring when the ATA receives incoming calls, the following steps will be necessary. Analog telephones ring by sensing a voltage sent down the phone line. Phones from different countries require different settings in this area to function properly.

  1. Near the top of the configuration screen, click “Switch to Advanced View”
  2. Click the “Regional” tab of the configuration screen
  3. Scroll most of the way down the page to the “Ring and Call Waiting Tone Spec” settings.
  4. Linksys PAP2T Ring Voltage Settings
  5. Two common settings are displayed below. Choose the one that matches your equipment, or adjust as necessary.
  6.    Ring Waveform Ring Frequency Ring Voltage
     United States  Trapezoid  25 Hz  80 V
     United Kingdom  Sinusoid  20 Hz  85 V

  7. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click “Save Settings”

Inveneo has found that the Trapezoid waveform setting works better with newer, digital compatible phones, while the sinusoid setting works better with the older equipment often found in developing regions.  The default US settings will work in most cases, particularly across Africa.  The UK settings may be particularly useful in South Asian countries like Nepal and India.

Advanced Configuration: Dial Plan

It is always possible to tell the ATA to dial a number immediately by dialing a # after the last digit. However, most users will want the ATA to dial automatically once a complete number is received For this to happen, the ATA must be told a series of rules to use to recognize complete phone numbers for dialing. This set of rules is called a dial plan.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the “Dial Plan” section
  2. Enter a dial plan that matches the dial plan on the VOIP server in use:
    • Separate different match patterns with |
    • Use the wildcard x to match any single digit
    • Use the wildcard . to represent a group of digits of any length.
    • Specify digit ranges from m to n using [m-n]

    The example dialplan ([2-8]xxx|9xxxxx.)is designed to expect any 4 digit extension beginning with any number between 2 and 8 or any number longer than 6 digits beginning with 9.

  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click “Save Settings”

Filed Under: VoIP
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Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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