One source of continuous frustration for ICT4D academic researchers is the glacial pace of academia. One has to submit papers 8 months in advance for conferences that are over a year away. Or it usually takes about 2 years minimum to get a paper published in a journal.
In the university setting, journals are often considered the only “real” publication venue for three reasons:
- Peer Review and Credibility: Academic journals typically employ a rigorous peer-review process, which enhances the credibility and reliability of the research findings.
- Contribution to the Field: Publishing in academic journals contributes to the collective knowledge in the field of ICT4D. It allows researchers to share their findings, methodologies, and insights, thereby advancing the academic discourse and encouraging further research and collaboration.
- Professional Recognition: For researchers, publication in reputable journals is often a key factor in career development, providing recognition and opportunities for professional growth.
If you are a researcher, you have to mentally prepare for that wait or look for a different way to get your ideas into the ICT4D conversation. One way is to start a blog, another is to submit your paper to an existing blog – we love guest posts!
Academic Journals and Publications on ICT4D
We want to help those trying to get research validation. Here is a list of 79 journals that publish articles related to the use of information and communication technologies to accelerate the social and economic advancement in the development world.
- African Journal of Information and Communication
- African Journal of Information & Communication Technology
- African Journal of Information Systems
- Asian Journal of Information Management
- Asian Journal of Information Technology
- Culture Unbound
- Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
- Human Technology
- Information Development
- IT&Society
- Information Technologies and International Development
- Information Technology for Development
- Information, Communication and Society
- International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
- Information Technology and People (ITP)
- Information Technology in Developing Countries
- Information Systems Frontiers (ISF)
- Information Society Journal (TIS)
- International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions
- International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA)
- International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC)
- International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD)
- Information Systems Journal (ISJ)
- International Journal of Mobile Information Systems
- International Journal of ICT and Human Development
- Journal of Information Technology in Social Change
- Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES)
- Journal of Community Informatics (CI)
- Journal of Mobile Multimedia (JMM)
- Knowledge Management for Development Journal
- Participatory Learning and Action
- Southern African Journal of Information and Communication
- The Broker
- The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management (
- The Information Society Journal (TIS)
- Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy
- Third World Quarterly
- World Development
- Communications of the ACM
- European Journal of Information Systems
- First Monday
- Human-Computer Interaction
- I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society
- Information Development
- Information Research
- Information Systems Frontiers
- Information Systems Journal
- Information Systems Research
- Information Technology and People
- Information, Communication & Society
- International Journal for Infonomics
- International Journal of Communication
- International Journal of Computing and ICT Research
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce
- International Journal of Electronic Government Research
- International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society
- International Journal of Internet Research Ethics
- International Journal of Internet Science
- International Journal of Technology Management
- International Political Science Review
- Internet Research
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
- Journal of Global Information Management
- Journal of IT Case and Application Research
- Journal of Information Literacy
- Journal of Information Technology
- Journal of Information Technology & Politics
- Journal of Information Technology Impact
- Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society
- Journal of the Association for Information Systems
- MIS Quarterly
- Policy & Internet
- Social Science Computer Review
- Telecommunications Policy
- The Electronic Library
- Információs Társadalom
- The Journal of Community Informatics
- Tic&société
Publishing in academic journals offers researchers in ICT4D the benefits of increased credibility, academic reach, field contribution, and professional development, making it a vital aspect of their academic and professional journey. Do you know of other journals or publications we should add to this list? Please let us know in the comments.
Special thanks to Laura Hosman and Revi Sterling for putting this list of journals together
When I think of academic journals the big issue I focus on is “open access”. So I wonder, of these 79 journals which are freely accessible to the world? Those that are not accessible without payment or other forms of restrictions should go in another list. 🙂
First Monday, historically open access, has had some nice articles over the years that have changed the way I looked at the int’l tech world.
For instance: (Black star: Ghana, information technology and development in Africa by G. Pascal Zachary) (The genesis and emergence of Education 3.0 in higher education and its potential for Africa )
Focused on public financial management including ICT: International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, free download.