What is an ICT4D Solution in International Development?
An ICT4D Solution is the use of digital tools in international development programs to accelerate social and economic advancement of poor and marginalized communities. ICT4D Solutions can support education, health, agriculture, economic goals using innovative technologies or methodologies. The Principles of Digital Development guide development professionals in successful local project interventions and national program deployments.
Examples of ICT4D Solutions
Please find below an ever-expanding list of successful ICT4D Solutions deployed by international development practitioners and humanitarian relief agencies.
3 Lessons Learned in Creating Digital Development Tools
ICT has the power to propel development forward, but before you jump in head first with a new ICT tool, there are a few critical questions to consider, like:
Reduce Your Digital Activism Ignorance Ratio with KNIME
A few year ago, we ran a campaign targeting the Guatemalan Government, which generated a good deal of global public support (100,000 signatures, online activism,...
It’s 2017, You Should be Localizing Your ICT4D Solutions Already
Many ICT4D projects have a major strike against them before they even begin: they use international languages instead of local ones. The intended audience not only...
Ranking the 6 Problems with ICT4D Product Rankings
I still remember how excited I was, the first time that FrontlineSMS got asked to participate in a “How to Choose the Right Tool for You,” technology product...
Are Facebook Messenger Chatbots The Answer to Our Aid Questions?
Last week, everyone’s favorite frenemy – Facebook – held its annual developer conference in Silicon Valley. Waving our ICT4D flag in the crowd, Souktel...
Free UNICEF Course: How to Use RapidPro for Powerful SMS, IVR, and Social Media Campaigns
Looking to launch a health education campaign, survey youth about issues in their community, or poll school teachers and receive reporting data? RapidPro might...
How Can We Harness the Internet of Things for Global Development?
I am a firm believer in the coming sensor revolution in development. We can now develop very cheap yet smart sensors, and as we saw at the MERL Tech conference...
The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Choosing an M&E Platform
At the recent MERL Tech conference, Tania Lee (Caktus Group), Tom Walker (Engine Room), Laura Walker McDonald (SIMLab), and Lynnae Day (Oxfam America) led a session...
Using Smartphones to Fight Africa’s Second Greatest Killer
Want a fun statistic to share at the watercooler? In Rwanda, a very safe country by regional standards, you are 365 times more likely to be killed in a traffic...
Introducing DemTools 2.0: Technology to Transform Global Politics
Internet access and powerful communication technologies are spreading around the world at a extraordinary rate, transforming the way citizens live and interact...