What is an ICT4D Solution in International Development?
An ICT4D Solution is the use of digital tools in international development programs to accelerate social and economic advancement of poor and marginalized communities. ICT4D Solutions can support education, health, agriculture, economic goals using innovative technologies or methodologies. The Principles of Digital Development guide development professionals in successful local project interventions and national program deployments.
Examples of ICT4D Solutions
Please find below an ever-expanding list of successful ICT4D Solutions deployed by international development practitioners and humanitarian relief agencies.
HCI4D: The Emerging Discipline of Human Computer Interaction For Development
The practice of Information and Communication Technology for Development enjoys a host of disciplines within the sector (m4d, health informatics, e-governance, etc),...
An ICTworks Interview with Kafui Prebbie, CEO of 1ViLLAGE Ghana
1Village Group is making strides in bringing technology solutions to under-resourced communities in the developing world to promote rapid socio-economic development....
Bursting the 9 Myths of Computing Technology in Education
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I am Kentaro Toyama, and in the Educational Technology Debate post, There Are No Technology Shortcuts to Good...
Yoza Excites African Teenagers to Love Reading Using Mobile Phones
We’ve all heard the hype about eReaders bringing digital books to the masses. But often those “masses” are high-end consumers in the developed...
Why is IVR more popular in South Asia, while SMS is more accepted in Africa?
Recently at an mHealth meeting, I overheard an interesting comment. One of the speakers mentioned that Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is popular in South Asia...
Mapping with mGESA: Mobile GEographical Services for Africa
mGESA mobile mapping tool
I wrote about a mobile mapping tool called mGEOS a few months ago,...
Join a Live Debate: Is mHealth an Extender or Disruptor of Existing Healthcare Infrastructure?
New technologies in healthcare offer the opportunity for significant changes in how problems are identified, addressed and solved. Mobile technologies, in particular,...
Inveneo ICT Sustainability Primer: What to consider when designing ICT projects in the developing world
Since 2006, Inveneo and our Certified ICT Partners have delivered innovative information and communication technology (ICT) solutions reaching more than 1,500,000...
How ProjectFOCUS is Bridging Digital Divides with Bicycles
Across colleges in North America, ProjectFOCUS is raising awareness and capital to invest in solar-powered, income-generating internet cafes in Uganda with amazing,...
The 10 Worst Practices in ICT for Education Are…
Michael Trucano, a recognized expert on deploying ICT in education, recently blogged about Worst practice in ICT use in education:
Here’s a list of some of...