What is an ICT4D Solution in International Development?
An ICT4D Solution is the use of digital tools in international development programs to accelerate social and economic advancement of poor and marginalized communities. ICT4D Solutions can support education, health, agriculture, economic goals using innovative technologies or methodologies. The Principles of Digital Development guide development professionals in successful local project interventions and national program deployments.
Examples of ICT4D Solutions
Please find below an ever-expanding list of successful ICT4D Solutions deployed by international development practitioners and humanitarian relief agencies.
Start mLearning initiatives outside the classroom
Mobile phones may be amazing, ubiquitous, and a real platform to learn with. Yet, the mobile phone (like many ICTs) comes with associations that prevent it...
The Social Side of ICT4D
We all know that technology helps shape the way we work, learn, interact, and behave. We have also seen countless social issues come out of our own technology –online...
An ICT4E Lesson Learned: Offline Content is Key
I recently made one of the biggest ICT4D mistakes in the book. Pay close attention, and see if you can pick it out.
When I was in Arusha, Tanzania last month, I...
ICT in Primary Schools are Learning Tools, Not Tools to be Learned
As teachers at a primary school in the Kisongo district of Arusha, Tanzania huddled into their computer lab, they quietly scoffed at me. What can a twenty-something...
We can achieve 300% increases in literacy test scores for just $5 per student
I am Richard Rowe and I have, for the first time that I am aware of, valid and reliable evidence of substantial improvements in basic literacy in a developing...
Avoiding the Digital Divide Hype in Using Mobile Phones for Development
To all of you digital divide warriors out there – nice work. With over 483 million mobile phone subscriptions in low-income countries – an estimated 44.9%...
School Curriculum Should Drive Computer Use in Tanzanian Education Systems
Over the course of the past semester, I teamed up with fellow RPI IT student, Lorena Nicotra, to develop a project that would promote curriculum-driven technology...
Are Mobile Phones and mLearning Failing in Education?
Recently, Tim Unwin was featured in the lengthy article, “Are mobiles failing the world of education?” The reporter noted that specialists are having...
10 Guidelines for Starting Your Independent ICT4D Project
There is an infamous Catch-22 in starting a career in information and communications for technology. In order to earn a job in ICT4D, I need to have experience....
Libraries: the Dirty but Effective Word in Public Access to ICT
Is this the library the future of public access ICT after cybercafes and telecenters?
Back when Bill Gates was young, he had multiple opportunities to geek out –...