What is an ICT4D Solution in International Development?
An ICT4D Solution is the use of digital tools in international development programs to accelerate social and economic advancement of poor and marginalized communities. ICT4D Solutions can support education, health, agriculture, economic goals using innovative technologies or methodologies. The Principles of Digital Development guide development professionals in successful local project interventions and national program deployments.
Examples of ICT4D Solutions
Please find below an ever-expanding list of successful ICT4D Solutions deployed by international development practitioners and humanitarian relief agencies.
3 Factors Required for Success with Mobile Technologies for Development
Innovation and Best Practice in Mobile Technologies for Development is a review of innovation in the ICT entrepreneurship/mobile internet/mobile related applications...
Scaling the Use of Mobile Technologies for Development
According to the latest GSMA statistics, nearly 50% of people own a mobile phone in the developing world and almost 70% have access to mobile phones. With mobile...
Please RSVP for Mobiles! What Have We Learned? Where Are We Going?
Over the last decade, as mobile technologies have become more ubiquitous, they have moved from the fringes of international development activities into core platforms...
Human-Centered Design Approaches in ICT4D
I am Adele Waugaman and recently I traveled to Dhaka, Bangladesh, for a project exploring the use of the mobile phones to amplify citizen feedback on the delivery...
Citizen election reporting in Kenya was a breakthrough in online-offline collaboration
The Kenyan elections were more than a month ago, but a debate continues in the crisis mapping community about whether the various technologies deployed to track...
Mobile Phones, Like All Technologies, Are Gender Neutral
At the first Technology Salon in London, we had a very thoughtful discussion on the implications of gender in using mobile technologies to stimulate social and...
How Gender Influences Mobile Technologies for Development
The very first Technology Salon to take place in London occurred just three days after the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) announced that...
Moving ICTWorks to WordPress: Special Thanks to Go WordPress’ Pro Bono Initiative
ICTWorks would like to give a huge thank you to Jordi Cabot and the team at Go WordPress for helping to bring the site up to date by migrating to WordPress. I won’t...
Are Lasers the Key to Cheap, Cloud-Based Internet?
Different colored lasers light up a section of cloud during a test of Inveneo’s StratoLancer system. Photo: Aaron Mason
When trying to communicate over great...
3 Key Factors for Your Next Mobile App to Scale Like M-PESA
I am Josephine Mutugu and at the Nairobi Technology Salon on What is the Next Mobile Development App that Will Scale? we launched into the discussion with a brief...