A 6 Step Guide to Platforms in International Development
Platform seems to be one of the biggest buzzwords in the field of international development these days. Popping up worldwide, platforms bring opportunities, challenges...
Top 4 Ways ICTs Can Help Defeat the Ebola Crisis
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is increasingly becoming an international crisis. Recently the World Health Organization counted 5,843 cases of Ebola patients...
Respect Myanmar’s Ethnic Diversity: Use Unicode Fonts Online
Burmese is the dominant language of Myanmar, but its had a long and winding journey in the digital realm, and now there is a tension between two competing systems...
Wow! Viber Beats Facebook in Myanmar
Often, we have the perception that a developing country’s use of technology is limited to voice and SMS text messages on basic or feature phones. When you...
Software Solutions to Four Main Challenges Facing Local Civic Groups
Civil society groups, political parties and government institutions around the world all face challenges when it comes to organizing and communicating. But in the...
Breaking the Digital Divide for Women Worldwide
Earlier this month, World Pulse brought your voices from the WWW: Women Weave the Web Campaign to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS +10 High Level...
How Hybrid and Private Clouds Solve Problems for Schools with Limited Connectivity
The use of digital content is an exciting concept for schools in developing communities. Schools all over the world, especially those in developing countries, are...
9 Criteria to Evaluate an Existing Software Code Base
One of the services Sonjara offers is a Technology Evaluation. Usually a client has inherited an existing website or application and they need an independent evaluation...
A $16 Billion Dollar Future in Feature Phone App Development
If you listen to Kennedy Kachwanya, African developers should be developing for smartphones, not feature phones. In fact, just last week, I was talking with Moses...
Why African Entrepreneurs Should Build Software Products For The Global Market
I am Fritz Ekwoge and I’ve spent three years running a Cameroonian startup, carving my niche with B2C products for the African market. This is what I have...