We Need to Build Minimum Valuable Products for Social Impact
With digital becoming increasingly mainstream in the social impact sector, more organisations are practising Agile development – the way of working used to...
10 Insights from the Mobile Internet Connectivity Report 2022
Over the past five years, nearly 1.4 billion people have gained access to the internet through a mobile phone and by the end of 2021, 55% of the world’s population...
ChatGPT is Coming for Your International Development Job
Almost 10 years ago, we predicted that the rise of advanced algorithms and open data would converge and a computer could to do your international development job...
Applying US Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights to African Countries
Regulation of artificial intelligence is the need of the hour. The release of The Blueprint for An AI Bill of Rights (AIBoR) by the US White House Office of Science...
Data Misuse is a Timeless Problem in Development
In the research paper, “Datafication, Power and Control in Development: A Historical Perspective on the Perils and Longevity of Data“, Katarzyna Cieslik...
Unsafe National Biometric Data Collection in 23 African Countries
In assessing the various laws and policies, CIPESA’s new report – Privacy Imperilled: Analysis of Surveillance, Encryption and Data Localisation Laws in...
Digital Public Goods Need Sustainable Funding for Success
Last year, the UN Global Pulse and the Digital Public Goods Alliance conducted qualitative research to understand the challenges with developing and deploying digital...
Please Give Your Feedback: USAID Draft Geospatial Strategy
Geospatial technology is essential for providing evidence to shape development progress and deliver lifesaving humanitarian assistance. We can use satellite data...
Apply Now: $285,000 for Global Sustainable Technology Solutions
The United Nations recently emphasized in their 2022 climate report that impactful sustainability actions are needed now to curb the worst consequences of climate...
How Many Africans Contribute to Open Source Software?
The current literature on analyses of African participation in global digital infrastructure reveals very low open source contribution levels from the continent....