What If Everyone Had Free 2G Mobile Internet Access?
Imagine a world where all phones were automatically connected to the Internet, at no charge. Is this an idle fantasy?
The current worldwide debate about Zero-Rating...
Do ICTs Make Evaluation More Inclusive Or More Extractive?
ICTs can help make evaluation more inclusive, yet they also bring new challenges and new kinds of inequities and exclusion that we need to be aware of and solve...
Using Smartphones to Fight Africa’s Second Greatest Killer
Want a fun statistic to share at the watercooler? In Rwanda, a very safe country by regional standards, you are 365 times more likely to be killed in a traffic...
Introducing DemTools 2.0: Technology to Transform Global Politics
Internet access and powerful communication technologies are spreading around the world at a extraordinary rate, transforming the way citizens live and interact...
Can Monitoring Drive a MERL-Led Future?
Angus Deaton, the economist and noted aid critic, was recently awarded the Nobel Prize in economics. In a speech following the award, AFP News reported that Deaton...
7 Tips for Better Digital M&E in Sustainable Development
With the landmark UN Sustainable Development Summit over, the discussion is now shifting to the question of how to operationalize the 17 ambitious goals in the...
Help! My Boss Wants a Mobile App
So you work in a development organization, and your boss comes to you and says, “We need an app!” If you’re not quite sure how to respond, don’t...
How Can We Integrate M&E Across Sectors?
I was very excited to attend the MERL Tech Conference. I’m from Egypt and currently work at UNICEF, and one of our biggest challenges with development programs...
We Need to Create Business Models that Deliver Value to Overcome the Digital Divide
Huawei recognizes the urgent need to reduce the deepening digital divide between those who benefit from connectivity and the internet, and those who don’t. Our...
Sensors for MERL: What Works? What Does Not? What Have We Learned?
Sensors promise rapid insights into development programs. Exciting and quickly evolving technologies are expanding the range of what can be measured, while the...