The Dangers of Legal Ignorance in Digital Development
Some time ago I was working in a country that had enacted data localization laws requiring that all personal data that originates in that country must also be hosted...
Help USAID Find Evidence of Real-Time Data Use in Development
Development is messy and complex, but our projects are set up around linear information systems that are slow, one-way, highly siloed and paper-based. Project management...
The Global Archipelago of Internet Disconnection
For many people around the world, Internet access is an essential part of everyday economic, social and political activities (cf. Graham & Dutton, 2014). Yet...
Mobile Data Collection: Current Practice and Lessons Learned at Plan International
Smartphones and tablets offer an increasing array of applications and services that can be useful in our daily lives and work. Data collection, an important part...
Are Facebook Messenger Chatbots The Answer to Our Aid Questions?
Last week, everyone’s favorite frenemy – Facebook – held its annual developer conference in Silicon Valley. Waving our ICT4D flag in the crowd, Souktel...
The Ongoing Challenge of Protecting Privacy in Digital Development
As digital is increasingly integrated into development, privacy protection will become more critical (and more complex), especially for individuals with greater...
Please RSVP Now: USAID Harnessing the Data Revolution for Resilience Summit
The world is currently producing unprecedented amounts of digital data, as well as unprecedented growth in digital connectivity. These trends enable new ways of...
Free UNICEF Course: How to Use RapidPro for Powerful SMS, IVR, and Social Media Campaigns
Looking to launch a health education campaign, survey youth about issues in their community, or poll school teachers and receive reporting data? RapidPro might...
How to Balance the Tension Between Open Data and Privacy and Security?
At the Digital Development: From Principles to Practice Forum, ICT4D practitioners came together to discuss the inherent tensions between open and interoperable...
SocialCops’ Ultimate Guide To Effective Data Collection
The development and policy spaces have seen the use of data to drive decision making and increase impact. Non-profit and government organisations are using data...