Ok Chatbot: What is Your Value for Humanitarians?
Whether or not you are aware of it, you have probably interacted with a chatbot – whether checking your finances, making a travel reservation, or even ordering...
4 Best Practices for Responsible Data in Agriculture
The agriculture sector is creating increasing amounts of data, from many different sources. From tractors equipped with GPS tracking, to open data released by government...
Please Use Spatial Analysis And Stop Asking People to Walk All Day
The poor walk a lot. They walk every day to and from work, childcare, clinics, wells and anywhere else they need to go.
They have limited time and may be tired...
How We Can Improve Open Source Software Projects
Next year will mark 20 years since the term “open source software” was officially coined, and the “free software” movement has been around even longer....
What About Facebook Messenger Chatbots for Development?
Bolsa Familia is the Brazilian Government program for conditional income-transfers serving 14 million families living in poverty throughout the country.
Cloud Computing for Development: A Four-Stage Analysis of Public, Private, and Hybrid Solutions
The idea of using the cloud for development is gaining popularity. In a 2013 assessment of “The Cloud Economy and Developing Countries” United Nations Secretary-General...
Your Fancy Android App Needs an Offline Mode
You’ve done your user-centered design, you’ve assessed your constituents, and you’ve determined that an Android application is the best way to...
5 Lessons Learned in Creating Webmaker, a Mobile Content Publishing Platform
Recently, the Mozilla Foundation product development team set off to design a new, general purpose content publishing platform that could enable creativity among...
Pop Quiz: Who Owns Your Data?
You’ve proudly collected data on thousands of constituents, and you are using it to improve your programs. Great! You are ahead of your peers who may not...
3 Tensions with Software Sustainability in ICT4D
At the Software Sustainability Institute, we are dedicated to making software a bonafide research output, and we argue that good software practices create better...