The Rise of Artificial Intelligence for International Development – Your Weekend Long Reads
Artificial intelligence (AI) was one of the hottest topics of 2017. A Gartner “mega trend,” their research director, Mike J. Walker, proposed that...
Learning from MERL Through Visual Storytelling
As evaluators, we know that if we want data to be used for learning and adapting, the data itself must be easily accessible. We’ve found that visualizing data...
How Will the End of US Net Neutrality Impact ICT4D?
Today, December 14th, the USA Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under Chairman Ajit Pai’s leadership is planning a vote to potentially roll back net neutrality...
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Using IATI Results Data
It didn’t surprise me when I learned that — when Ministry of Finance officials conduct trainings on the Aid Management Platform for Village Chiefs, CSOs and...
Technology Innovation Across Africa – Your Weekend Long Reads
We’re experimenting with a roundup of the best links for your long-form reading pleasure over the weekend. Please let us know what you think about this idea...
The Top 10 ICT4D Project Failures Will Surprise You
What day-to-day failures do you expect to happen most in your ICT4D projects? Laptop theft? Viruses? Outright malfeasance? I worry every day about the risks to...
How to Buy M&E Software and Not Get Bamboozled
While there is no way to guarantee that M&E software will solve all of your problems or make all of your colleagues happy, there are three things you can...
What You Need to Know About the USAID Gender and ICT Survey Toolkit
Recently USAID’s Global Development Lab and mStar project released the Gender and ICT Survey Toolkit. In an informative webinar (you can listen to the recording...
Your Organization is Not Ready for Big Data
Big Data for Development. You’ve heard that sentence/question/presentation title before. We’ve talked about Big Data at length and the conversation...
We Need to Improve GIS Boundary Data Accuracy for Better Development Decisions
Administrative areas are key to how development data, and development itself, is organized, yet in many countries, simply getting lists of the current administrative...