Your Organization is Not Ready for Big Data
Big Data for Development. You’ve heard that sentence/question/presentation title before. We’ve talked about Big Data at length and the conversation...
We Need to Improve GIS Boundary Data Accuracy for Better Development Decisions
Administrative areas are key to how development data, and development itself, is organized, yet in many countries, simply getting lists of the current administrative...
We Must Be Accountable for the Data We Collect
In today’s world, there is no question of the power of data. Some people consider data the new gold, and even associate some of the data processes with metallurgy...
R or Python: Which Data Analysis Software Should You Use?
When it comes to analyzing data sets and finding insights for decision makers, we all start with Excel or Google Sheets. However, they both have serious limitations....
7 Things to Consider Before Developing a Chatbot
As with many new promising technologies, chatbots are getting hyped as a new innovative tool that can aide humanitarian response and international development practitioners....
Is Zero-Rated Internet Access Connecting the Unconnected?
As the debate around zero-rated services (like Facebook’s Free Basics, Twitter Access, and Wikipedia Zero) and other emerging mobile data models continues, data...
9 Best Practices for Cleaning, Managing, and Tagging Your Data
With “Data Scientist” being hailed as the sexiest job of the 21st century, there has been an influx of “big data” companies, visualization tools, and other...
Our Experiment Using Facebook Chatbots to Improve Humanitarian Assistance
It must have been above 40 degrees Celsius that afternoon in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Hundreds of people were waiting to cash the mobile money they receive from the...
We Need to Start Investing in Data We Already Have
If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last few months it’s just how much data there is out there that’s not being used.
In fact by aggregating data...
How Do You Know When You Are Done?
Here is one of the basic questions for a mass Long Lasting Insecticidal Net distribution campaign, “How do you know when you are done?” Population data...