How Will Quantum Computing Impact International Development?
Quantum computing is an emerging technology that seeks to exploit the laws of quantum mechanics to process information with unprecedented speed and efficiency.
Why OpenRAN is a Strategic Imperative for International Development Programs
The global digital divide remains a critical barrier to inclusive development in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Access to affordable, reliable internet...
How is Malawi Free Public WiFi Initiative Improving Internet Access Locations?
In an era where Internet connectivity is pivotal for socio-economic development, Malawi’s government has embarked on a transformative journey through the...
What Is AI4Good? Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Social Impact
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century, impacting various sectors from healthcare to finance....
7 Free WiFi Initiatives in Nigeria for Public Internet Access
Digital technology offers Nigeria the opportunity to grow and diversify its economy from the overdependence on oil & gas export proceeds. The Nigerian government...
How Free Public WiFi Internet Access Benefits Youth in Nigeria
Free public Wi-Fi Internet access holds transformative potential for Nigeria’s youth, providing critical opportunities for education, employment, and social inclusion...
2 Ways to Improve CHW Data Collection at Health Facilities
The mixed-methods assessment of community health data in ‘Do you trust those data?’—a mixed-methods study assessing the quality of data reported by community...
Apply Now: $5 Million for Digital Ideas Combating Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Digital environments can bring harms to children and young people, especially the worst forms, namely online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA) and other...
10 Steps to Build an African Community Internet Network
Community networks are Internet communication networks deployed and operated by citizens to meet their own needs. In recent years, the community networks movement...
Apply Now: $300,000 Grants for Internet Access Prototypes and Pilots
Innovative methods, technologies, and infrastructure is at the core of providing better opportunities for people to transform and enrich their lives with Internet...