Finally! Accurate Mobile Network Coverage Maps Show Connectivity Reality
Closing the global digital divide is such a daunting challenge, some companies have resorted to expensive, eyebrow-raising, flying moonshot solutions. Despite...
7 Ways You’re Contributing to the Humanitarian Metadata Problem
The past decade has seen a surge in the use of mobile telecommunications, messaging apps and social media. As they become more accessible around the world, these...
How to Combine Real-Time Data Flows Into Unified Data Views
We’ve developed a strong partnership with VillageReach, a team that stewards a logistics management system, OpenLMIS, and works to solve health care delivery...
We Have A Moral Imperative to Use the Data We Collect
And not just to use it, but to use it well.
Too often in development work, there is an expectation that people will supply you with their data but no feeling of...
The Definitive Guide to Mobile Data Collection in International Development
Are you mobile data collection curious? Do you have colleagues who always ask you how to collect qualitative and quantitative data using mobile devices? Or do you...
Do Financial Incentives Increase SMS Survey Response Rates?
When organizations set out to use our platform for mobile data collection via SMS or IVR, implementers often ask, “what response rate will I get from my survey?”,...
3 Lessons Learned using Machine Learning to Measure Media Quality
Moving from hype to practice is an important but challenging step for ICT4D practitioners. As the technical adviser for digital development at IREX, a global development...
9 Lessons Learned in Rolling Out Dimagi’s Mobile Device Management Pilot
Enumerators, who are people like you and I, like to download Candy Crush, Facebook, YouTube videos, mobile screen savers, to their mobile phones, and use up significant...
5 Challenges to Scaling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Global Health
While unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) have a dynamic feature set and capabilities that make them a potential game changer in global development and humanitarian...
Apply Now: £900,000 for Rural Connectivity Projects in Ghana and Uganda
Mobile internet connectivity brings a wide range of social and economic benefits by helping to promote digital inclusion and supporting the delivery of essential...