Apply Now: Help USAID Develop ICT Regulatory Policy in Southeast Asia
In the 21st Century, the reach of internet and mobile networks, the security and adoption of communications services, and vibrancy of ICT sector are crucial for...
3 Tips for Better Data Visualization of Your Project Outcomes
The value of good data visualization is imminently apparent for those of us that work in international development. How we tell stories with data and communicate...
Fix Your Data Quality Issues with Query Management
A researcher’s worst nightmare is to realize that they cannot use their data. This horrible realization often comes right after data has been collected, teams...
5 Tips When Implementing Your Responsible Data Policy
MERL and development practitioners have long wrestled with complex ethical, regulatory, and technical aspects of adopting new data approaches and technologies....
10 Lessons Learned in Scaling Mobile Data Collection Processes
In the last decade, Mobile Data Collection has been used more and more by humanitarian and development organizations for situation analyses, project monitoring,...
Four Years of Dashboard Design Progress with MERL Tech Data
Data visualization (data viz) has come a long way in our MERL Tech community. Four years ago the conversation was around “so you think you want a dashboard?”...
Help Bridge the Language Translation Technology Digital Divide
In the digital age, when we face a language barrier, there are a host of internet resources to overcome it. We often rely on translation platforms, dictionary apps,...
Caution! Data Quantity Does NOT Equal Data Quality
Revenue administrations collect large amounts of data on individuals and firms in the course of their work. Increasingly, this data is digitised. The use of digital...
5 Ways to Improve Data Use by Government Health Ministries
Despite the growing recognition that quality, timely, and accessible data are essential to every country’s ability to deliver vaccines effectively to its population,...
The Main Drivers of Mobile Phone Ownership Will Surprise You
Mobile phone services were introduced in Nigeria in 2001. Yet, we still don’t really know who owns a mobile phone in Africa’s most populous country....