Apply Now: £500,000 DFID Grant Funding for COVID-19 Digital Response
Governments and civil society in low- and middle-income countries often lack the digital infrastructure to capture, share, and use data in the timescales and distance...
4 Ways to Use National Data in African COVID-19 Digital Response
At Cooper/Smith, we are working with Malawi’s Ministry of Health to help them prepare for and fight COVID-19. Here is what we did – other countries might...
10 Most Valuable GitHub Repositories for Digital Development
GitHub is an enormous software developer network with over 30 million accounts, more than 2 million organizations, and over 96 million repositories. And yes, many...
3 Ways the Data Visualization Society Helps You with DataViz Problems
Just about everyone I know in the ICT4D community has interacted with, presented, or created a chart, dashboard, infographic, or other data visualization. We’ve...
10 Insights on Mobile Usage by Persons with Disabilities in Kenya and Bangladesh
Over a billion people worldwide live with a form of disability. This represents 15 per cent of the global population; 80 per cent of whom live in a low- or middle-income...
Digital Technologies Are Part of the Climate Change Problem
The digital technology industry is one of the least sustainable and most environmentally damaging industrial sectors in the modern world. Its leaders have long...
5 Trends in Educational Technology Across African Secondary Schools
My recent post discussed contextual, macro-level policy changes in ICT4Education in secondary schools of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This post examines some of the...
Our Open Source Software Obsession is Unhealthy in Digital Development
Since I am going to make some potentially controversial observations about the digital health industry and, to some extent, the development sector in general, I...
What a Cloudy Future of OpenLMIS Means for Open Source Software
OpenLMIS is an open source global good for digital health that was purpose-built to be an electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) for health commodity...
Apply Now: $75,000 for Open Source Software Sustainability Planning
Expensive mainstream proprietary software from advanced markets isn’t appropriate for many resource-constrained contexts in international development. Open Source...