Please Use Accurate Poverty Maps in Humanitarian Relief Programs
Many critical decisions require accurate, quantitative data on the local distribution of wealth and poverty.
Governments and non-profit organizations rely on such...
How Startup Companies Are Using Artificial Intelligence in LMICs
Around the world, artificial intelligence is automating functions and making new services possible with breakthroughs in cheap computing power, cloud computing...
Apply Now: $300,000 for Your Open Source Internet Freedom Initiatives
In the COVID-19 era, connectivity is a necessity. Virtually all human activities – business, education, healthcare, politics, socializing – have moved...
We Need to Go All In on FHIR for Digital Health
When I first heard of HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource), I think, like most, l understood its application as a data exchange standard with promises...
UNICEF 10 Point Children’s Data Governance Manifesto
This year, 123 million children will celebrate their 18th birthday and entry into adulthood. For each boy or girl, tens of thousands of data points on average will...
Apply Now: $17,000 Agriculture Satellite Data Machine Learning Challenge
The agricultural sector makes a substantial contribution to GDP and livelihoods across the developing world. However, regular and reliable agricultural data remains...
6 Ways Asia Pacific Countries Can Use LEO Satellites for Internet Access
Satellite communication plays a necessary role in the global connectivity ecosystem, connecting rural and remote populations, providing backhaul connectivity to...
Don’t Build It. A Guide for ICT4D Practitioners to Just Say No
The central problem of software is that anything can be built.
With a physical structure, nature and physics puts some constraints on the space of ideas. With software,...
Principles for Driving the Digital Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Around 15 per cent of the world’s population, or an estimated one billion people are persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are at a disadvantage...
We Need a Humanitarian Data Analytics Group to Share Automated Models
The humanitarian sector provides a unique opportunity to scale advanced approaches. Having worked as a researcher and as a humanitarian program manager there...