ICTworks features posts on the use of information and communication technologies for development, including:
- Case studies and success stories: ICTworks highlights the impact of specific ICT4D projects or initiatives, and discusses the challenges and lessons learned from implementing them.
- Research and analysis: We delve into the latest research on digital development, discussing the results of studies or analyses and exploring the implications for practitioners and policymakers.
- Opinion pieces: Guest writers offer their perspective as experts and practitioners on a range of issues related to ICT4D, such as the role of technology in development, the challenges of implementing digital projects, or the importance of sustainability in development efforts.
- News and updates: Blog posts provide updates on the latest developments in the field, including new projects, research findings, and events.
- Practical resources and guides: We publish tips, tools, and resources for practitioners working in digital development, such as guidance on how to design and implement ICT4D projects, or how to measure the impact of digital initiatives.
RSVP Now for Fail Festival UK 2014 – A Celebration of Failure in Development
Fail Festival – a celebration of failure as a mark of leadership, innovation, and risk-taking in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in scaling ideas...
Please RSVP: Should We Create Standardized Training Content for Community Health Workers?
RSVP Now: Thursday, February 13 – Johannesburg, South Africa
Millions of people in rural communities depend upon Community Health Workers for health care....
Which ICT4D Projects Use Progressive Design Principles?
USAID is gathering information on ICT4D projects or activities that have embodied progressive project design principles to show how these principals can help technology...
Internet for the Common Good – A Community Informatics Declaration
From the Community Informatics Research Network…
Effective use of the Internet will benefit everyone. Currently the benefits of the Internet are distributed...
5 Reasons Why Public Access Matters in the Age of Private Mobile Devices
The mobile Internet is growing at an unprecedented rate. It is expected to be a matter
of time before mobile Internet use eclipses desktop use. What does this trend...
Get a Dream Job in ICT4D and Fulfill Another News Year’s Resolution
Do you love your job? I mean really love your job? Or do you go to work every day because that pays the bills? Might it be time to look for a dream job? One where...
Please RSVP Now: How Can We Use Drones for Development?
We all know the military and surveillance applications of drones, and we can dream of Amazon Prime Air, but how can unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) be used to improve...
Fulfill a News Year’s Resolution: Increase Your Professional Profile
Welcome to 2014! Now that we are all back to work, its time for you to check off one of your New Year’s resolutions – increasing your professional profile...
How to Use Mobile Phone Network Data for Better Development
The UN Global Pulse has published ‘Mobile Phone Network Data for Development’, a primer on how analysis of Call Detail Records (CDRs) can provide valuable information...
Do You Provide Technical Assistance? Then You Just Got Competition: Mobile Money
In reading the GiveDirectly study on cash transfers, Chris Blattman’s analysis, and the background research on both mobile money and cash transfers, I’ve...