ICTworks features posts on the use of information and communication technologies for development, including:
- Case studies and success stories: ICTworks highlights the impact of specific ICT4D projects or initiatives, and discusses the challenges and lessons learned from implementing them.
- Research and analysis: We delve into the latest research on digital development, discussing the results of studies or analyses and exploring the implications for practitioners and policymakers.
- Opinion pieces: Guest writers offer their perspective as experts and practitioners on a range of issues related to ICT4D, such as the role of technology in development, the challenges of implementing digital projects, or the importance of sustainability in development efforts.
- News and updates: Blog posts provide updates on the latest developments in the field, including new projects, research findings, and events.
- Practical resources and guides: We publish tips, tools, and resources for practitioners working in digital development, such as guidance on how to design and implement ICT4D projects, or how to measure the impact of digital initiatives.
Please RSVP Now: USAID Digital Development Forum Central America
June 23-24 – San Salvador – RSVP Now
Over the past decade, mobile Internet access has rapidly expanded across Central America to cover nearly 90% of...
Mobile Data Collection: Current Practice and Lessons Learned at Plan International
Smartphones and tablets offer an increasing array of applications and services that can be useful in our daily lives and work. Data collection, an important part...
Are Facebook Messenger Chatbots The Answer to Our Aid Questions?
Last week, everyone’s favorite frenemy – Facebook – held its annual developer conference in Silicon Valley. Waving our ICT4D flag in the crowd, Souktel...
3 Ways Technology Can Support Education for Displaced Children
Currently it is estimated that there are 4.6 million Syrian refugees; 6.6 million displaced persons inside Syria. Of these, half are children. In March, Technology...
4 Ways We Can Better Engage Smallholder Farmers Using ICT
An essential component for successfully engaging smallholder farmers using technology comes from providing a voice, a dialogue, with the farmers themselves. This...
Please RSVP Now: USAID Harnessing the Data Revolution for Resilience Summit
The world is currently producing unprecedented amounts of digital data, as well as unprecedented growth in digital connectivity. These trends enable new ways of...
How Digital Finance is Transforming Agriculture
An estimated 1.5 billion people live in rural households engaged in smallholder agriculture. These smallholder farmers face tremendous challenges in improving their...
Free UNICEF Course: How to Use RapidPro for Powerful SMS, IVR, and Social Media Campaigns
Looking to launch a health education campaign, survey youth about issues in their community, or poll school teachers and receive reporting data? RapidPro might...
Please Register Now: ICTforAg 2016 – New Technology for Smallholder Farmers
Please register now for ICTforAg 2016 on June 10th, at FHI 360 in Washington, DC.
This 1-day conference will build on ICTforAg 2015 and bring together +275 thought...
What Is Informed Consent in Digital Development Photography?
Whenever I look at publications produced by development organizations, including those I’ve written, I can’t help but wonder if all of those smiling...