ICTworks features posts on the use of information and communication technologies for development, including:
- Case studies and success stories: ICTworks highlights the impact of specific ICT4D projects or initiatives, and discusses the challenges and lessons learned from implementing them.
- Research and analysis: We delve into the latest research on digital development, discussing the results of studies or analyses and exploring the implications for practitioners and policymakers.
- Opinion pieces: Guest writers offer their perspective as experts and practitioners on a range of issues related to ICT4D, such as the role of technology in development, the challenges of implementing digital projects, or the importance of sustainability in development efforts.
- News and updates: Blog posts provide updates on the latest developments in the field, including new projects, research findings, and events.
- Practical resources and guides: We publish tips, tools, and resources for practitioners working in digital development, such as guidance on how to design and implement ICT4D projects, or how to measure the impact of digital initiatives.
Ranking the 6 Problems with ICT4D Product Rankings
I still remember how excited I was, the first time that FrontlineSMS got asked to participate in a “How to Choose the Right Tool for You,” technology product...
You Are Following the Humanitarian UAV Network Code of Conduct, Right?
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offer the potential to improve humanitarian assistance and disaster reduction. As such, they offer the possibility to better meet...
Give Us Your Sexist Data, And We Will Give You an Apple Watch!
Women are one-half of the world’s population, one-third of its official workforce and do two-thirds of its productive work, yet they earn one-tenth of its income...
Stop Giving Away Smartphones!
Pretty much every day, I hear the same failure refrain repeated again and again, “We gave away 50-100 smartphones for our mobile project.” Why is this...
Where is DFID in Digital Development?
Recently, DFID commissioned a review of how digital tools are being used in its programmes to benchmark DFID’s current activities and support the development...
Get Your Online Diploma in Tech for M&E with TechChange
When it comes to international development, technology moves fast. Whether implementing global or local programs, knowing that you are getting the right data for...
Please Register Now for MERL Tech 2016
Please register now for MERL Tech 2016, the premier conference on the use of technology for monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning. Over 300 of your peers...
Apply Now for $312,000 in ICT4D Grants for Africa and Asia
Finding seed funding to launch ICT4D projects isn’t easy, and we’d like to help! Here’s three grant opportunities and one award program that can...
Fly a Drone, Go to Jail! The Precarious State of UAV Regulations in 5 African Countries
We are now seeing multiple uses of drones for development. Unmanned aerial vehicles, aerial robotics, whatever you want to call them, are now finding practical...
The Future Is Now: How to Write About EduTech Accurately
After a year of conferences and education trade shows, I am convinced that my fellow technologists and development experts are not fully realizing the radical change...