Practical Insights on Education for ICT4D Projects

What is Educational Technology?
Educational technology is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve educational outcomes in developing countries. This includes hardware, software, content, curriculum, and pedagogy required for learning by students, teachers, and their surrounding communities.
ICT4Edu initiatives build on various disciplines such as communication, education, psychology, sociology, artificial intelligence, and computer science. EduTech solutions encompass several domains including learning theory, online learning, computer-based training, and distance education.
What Are Successful EduTech Projects?
We are constantly searching for new educational technology projects for review and analysis. Please find below a growing list of programmes that use information and communication technologies to increase educational outcomes in developing countries.
The unprecedented Covid-19 crisis has greatly affected the education sector, with more than a billion young people in a lockdown and distance education expanding...
The pandemic has upended entire education systems, with an estimated 1.5 billion primary and secondary learners’ education disrupted. Some schools have shifted...
With COVID-19 Digital Response, educational institutions are pivoting their learning programs to virtual engagements. The switch is painful for everyone, and can...
There are outstanding African graduate students doing exceptional artificial intelligence research across the African continent. They need support to become the...
The COVID-19 pandemic paralyzed education systems worldwide; at one point, school closures forced over 1.6 billion learners out of classrooms. While smaller in...
Artificial intelligence applications are profoundly impacting our world. Fueled by the increasing availability of computational power, improved connectivity, and...
When Pierre Akilimali was asked to hold a remote training for his Kinshasa- and Kongo Central-based resident enumerators in April 2020, he was rightly skeptical....
Published on: Feb 24 2021 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on USAID Guide: How to Evaluate Distance Learning in COVID-19 Response
As countries around the world have closed learning institutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning have pivoted from in-person instruction...
More than 85 percent of a child’s brain is developed by age 6 and a growing body of evidence suggests investing in high-quality pre-primary education –...
Game-based learning using serious computer games has a huge potential to overcome challenges faced by teachers and trainers in low-income countries. Not only does...