What are Business Ideas for ICT4D Solutions?
Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) support and enable sustainable economic and social development in developing countries. There are many potential business ideas for ICT4D solutions, including:
- Mobile health services: Developing mobile applications or platforms that provide health information and services, such as telemedicine, disease tracking, and medical appointment scheduling, in areas with limited access to healthcare.
- Agricultural technology: Developing technologies such as precision agriculture systems, irrigation systems, and weather monitoring systems to improve the efficiency and productivity of small-scale farms.
- Educational technology: Developing educational platforms, such as e-learning platforms or mobile apps, to provide access to education in remote or underserved areas.
- Renewable energy solutions: Developing technologies such as solar panels or wind turbines to provide clean, affordable energy in areas without access to traditional electricity.
- Digital financial services: Developing technologies such as mobile banking or digital payment systems to provide financial services to underserved communities.
- Disaster response and management technologies: Developing technologies such as early warning systems or communication platforms to assist with disaster response and management efforts in developing countries.
- Water and sanitation technologies: Developing technologies such as water purification systems or improved sanitation systems to address water and sanitation challenges in developing countries.
The Complete List of 79 Academic ICT4D Journals and Publications
One source of continuous frustration for ICT4D academic researchers is the glacial pace of academia. One has to submit papers 8 months in advance for conferences...
6 Simple Guidelines for ICT4D Project Success
I am Ajay Kumar and after reflecting on some of my past ICT4D projects, and trying to study the thought process of some of the projects that I have worked on,...
TechCamp Tel-Aviv: Increasing Women’s Empowerment with ICTs
For many years Israel has been considered a high-tech hub producing some of the worlds leading technologies. In fact, Israel has the largest concentration of...
Ten years later, telecenters are still not sustainable
In case you are wondering, telecenters are still not sustainable. A new research report, Public Access Computing in South Africa: Old Lessons and New Challenges,...
Get an ICT4D Job! China, U.S., Nigeria, Philippines
Innovation in Communication Project Director: Internews is seeking a Project Director to be based in Beijing to perform high level tasks and program implementation...
Designing Effective Education Programs Using ICT: USAID ICT4E Report
I’m proud to announce the publication of USAID’s First Principles: Designing Effective Education Programs Using Information and Communication Technology...
Careful in your love of M-PESA and mobile payments to solve every development problem
Do you sometimes feel that every international development organization is in love with mobile money today? That transferring currency equivalents via mobile phones...
Join us for Fail Faire UK 2012 – a celebration of failure
Projects succeed, projects fail. The successes are always reported on, the failures are often filed away – pushed under the proverbial rug. Well, its time...
How will IATI impact US-based development agencies? Technology Salon in DC
The Technology Salon* hosted at IREX on Thursday, June 6, focused on what the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) would mean for international development,...
Wanna get the inside scoop on ICT4D? Then…
Like ICTworks on Facebook. Yes, we know you hear that often, and usually it’s some hollow gimmick to game folks into inflating a like count. But we have something...