Educational Technology: So much talk these days about educational technology in the developing world and whether it’s really an efficient tool for improving education or just another techie fad. Don’t miss TechChange’s next online course, “New Technologies for Educational Practice,” offered February 20 – March 16. Early bird deadline is February 1, regular deadline is February 20.
The Heavy Hitters Weigh In: The Brookings Institution and UNESCO have taken an active role in the ongoing debate about ICTs and education. A New Face of Education: Bringing Technology into the Classroom in the Developing World is an in-depth study that looks at all levels of education in the poorest countries of the world, from Sub-Saharan Africa to South and West Asia to the Caribbean, and comes up with some encouraging conclusions . Transforming Education: The Power of ICT Policies looks at a number of countries and their competencies, motivation, and teachers’ working environment, and offers insights and guidance to help policy-makers integrate ICTs in education more effectively.
Become an ICT4D Champion: The University of Manchester’s Centre for Development Informatics is offering several world-class graduate programs in ICT4D at the Master’s and Doctoral level. The Centre has a particular interest in candidates working in areas such as mobile finance, micro-enterprise, gender issues, and e-government and civil society, among others. Learn more here about this fantastic opportunity.
Business Fighting Poverty: *iHub, the tech leader in open space innovation and development in Kenya, is hosting IEEE Webinar: Leveraging ICT Business Models to Help Reduce Poverty, which promises to provide insights on how ICTs can provide access to education, healthcare, agro-services, and financial services to the BoP. January 26, 10-11 EST
Are You an African Developer? The funding is out there for your startup, you just need the right ideas and the know-how to sell them. Affrinovator tells you how
African Internet Progress: If you’re interested in ICT4D in Africa, it’s important to keep up with the development of the Internet across the continent. Some thoughts from
Using Mobiles for Effective ICT in Kyrgyzstan: FrontlineSMS and IREX work together to improve communication with teachers far and wide. In this case texting proves better than email.
To get these links faster, follow me on Twitter: @SabinaBehague
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