Published on: Aug 22 2019 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on Please Do Not Create Yet Another Development Knowledge Portal
The symptoms are familiar. You seem to hear about a new information portal or knowledge platform for international development being launched every week. You check...
The death of SMS text messages has been foretold many times in the past. However, they are still the best low-tech way to reach everyone with a mobile phone. Or...
The Department for International Development (DFID) is a United Kingdom government department responsible for administering £10.9 billion GBP in overseas aid....
Back in 2014, we posted our first Development Hype Cycle to showcase how technologies move from initial invention to widespread application. We followed it up with...
Published on: Aug 14 2019 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on The Main Drivers of Mobile Phone Ownership Will Surprise You
Mobile phone services were introduced in Nigeria in 2001. Yet, we still don’t really know who owns a mobile phone in Africa’s most populous country....
Published on: Aug 12 2019 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on Help WHO Define Digital Client Records for Health Information Systems
A digital client record is a persistent record of an encounter at the point of care or service delivery between a health service provider and individuals (clients,...
Mobile network operators (MNOs) in every country offer innovative technologies and communication channels for international development practitioners. However,...
There are multiple uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping and medical supply activities like blood and drug deliveries. However, the majority...
Humanitarian crises and disasters have increased in number, complexity and severity over the last 25 years, challenging the resilience of people living in areas...
About 100 million people are still being pushed into “extreme poverty” (living on $ 1.90 or less a day) because they have to pay for healthcare. Over 800 million...