Blockchain technology may have the potential to improve international development impact globally by providing information, opportunity and choice to programs....
The novel coronavirus pandemic impact on education is profound. The near-universal lockdown of 190 countries has closed schools and universities, affecting more...
The world today is more connected, interdependent, and data-rich than at any time in human history. Yet we increasingly see populations divided into those who benefit...
The novel coronavirus global pandemic is affecting global society in profound ways and will require new and innovative approaches. Beyond the impacts on public...
More than 93 million children globally have a disability, and at least 90 percent of those residing in countries with high poverty levels do not attend school....
There is still digital divide around the world, regardless of how many people have access to mobile phones, 3G wireless coverage, or community telecenters. As the...
In the current operating environment, USAID and implementing partners face new challenges in deploying programs, monitoring progress, collecting data, and tracking...
COVID-19 is an unprecedented global health and humanitarian emergency. It threatens to create devastating social, economic, and political crises that could leave...
Share your ICT4Ag knowledge and participate in a new report: Agriculture in the Digital Age
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID’s Bureau for Resilience...
Please submit your session ideas for the first Virtual Global Digital Health Forum by July 2, 2020.
We are shifting the Global Digital Health Forum 2020 to an online...