ISIF Asia is a grants and awards program empowering communities in the Asia pacific region to research, design and implement Internet-based solutions for their own needs, placing particular emphasis on the positive role the Internet has in social and economic development in the region.
Apply now for the 2017 ISIF Asia Grants and Award to win AUD 155,000 in four areas for projects that support the development of the Internet and highlight its social and economic impact in the Asia Pacific.
Application Deadline: 30 August 2017.
Innovation and Internet development should be an integral part of all award nominations submitted to ISIF Asia and award nominations can be submitted by individuals on behalf of public or private sector organizations, university, or research and development institutions and non-government organizations will be considered. Individuals are not eligible for awards.
The four funding areas are:
Internet Operations Research Grants
These grants support the development of an independent Internet research community and are open to research focused on Internet operations, infrastructure and related protocols, such as network measurement and analysis; IPv6; BGP routing; network security as well as peering and interconnection.
Applicants can apply for an amount between AUD 5,000 and AUD 45,000 based on their research needs, a realistic timeframe and a detailed budget.
Cybersecurity Grants
These grants support projects focusing on practical solutions around network resiliency and security, focused on one or more of the following areas: naming, routing, measurement, traffic management, confidential communications, data security and integrity, security of IoT devices and applications, security of critical infrastructure such as energy grids, end-user device security and building security resilience in your local community.
Applicants can apply for up to AUD 30,000 based on a project proposal that includes a realistic timeframe and a detailed budget.
Internet for Development Grant
This grant supports the scaling-up of an innovative Internet-based solution to development issues in areas such as women and girls in IT, diversity and inclusion, access provision, utility services, devices, IoT, IPv6, privacy, democracy enhancement, open data, economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, health and education.
Applicants can apply for one grant of AUD 30,000.
2017 Internet for Development Award
The 2017 theme of “Internet for development” is intended to cast a wide net to capture truly innovative approaches to development issues in areas such as women and girls in IT, diversity and inclusion, access provision, utility services, devices, IoT, IPv6, privacy, democracy enhancement, open data, economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, health and education.
Applicants can apply for an AUD 5,000 cash prize plus a travel grant to attend the Internet Governance Forum 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland.
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