New technologies and methodologies are disrupting and reshaping individuals, societies and economies. Emerging capabilities like machine learning, drones, blockchain and the internet of things, can be merged with established technologies and used in ways they haven’t been tried out before.
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This had led to a surge of interest in new technology and innovative thinking to offer desperately-needed solutions in global development and humanitarian contexts.
Frontier Technologies Landscape Review
Frontier Technology Hub wants a landscape review paper to identify new technology and innovative thinking , drawing on evidence from pilots and sharing human stories. The FT Hub is interested in engaging a partner to shine light on tech for humanitarian contexts and help us understand:
- What are the 5-10 key innovations that we see transforming the humanitarian sector?
- What’s been proven, where is the frontier today, what’s the potential for impact?
- Who are the technologists already working on these innovations and what are their stories?
- What are the risks and challenges specific to innovating in the humanitarian sector?
- How are humanitarian actors and innovators managing these risks?
The landscape review of frontier technology applications should give the reader a broad perspective of what is emerging across international development. The ambition is for this report to better understand the state of transparency in humanitarian aid globally, and particularly at FCDO. There is a total of 45,000 GBP available for this contract.
Apply Now! Deadline is July 11, 2022
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- Apply Now: $100,000 for Your Digital Climate Change Adaptation Solution
- Apply Now: $50,000 for Your Last Mile Mobile Money Startup Idea
- Apply Now: $75,000 for African Digital Innovation Startup Companies
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