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Register Now: $4 Billion in USAID Funding for African Country Programs

By Wayan Vota on June 22, 2021

4 billion usaid funding african countries

The official USAID Business Forecast lists over $4 Billion in new funding for programs to improve health, education, agriculture, and civil society in 20 countries across sub-Saharan Africa.

Over $3 billion in funding was supposed to be issued already, but these solicitations expected release dates have already passed. That’s good news – you can soon bid on them! There is an additional $1 billion in future funding that’s scheduled to be released in the coming months.

The average USAID award will be $40 million dollars over 5 years, and almost every award today has a digital development component. USAID seeks African businesses to bring bold, creative, and innovative approaches to its programs in:

  • Global Health
  • Education
  • Agriculture and Food Security
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
  • Economic Growth and Trade

Those billions don’t even include the $1 billion NextGen Global Health Supply Chain contract for health products. This opportunity will promote locally-managed procurement and supply chain partners in the countries where USAID works.

Win your share of this new business!

Please register now to get support from ICTworks to apply for new opportunities.

ICTworks is creating a list of digital development organizations that can apply innovative solutions to USAID programs across Africa. We want to understand your solution and its advantages, what your funding needs and challenges are, create interactive workshops and custom support plans for you, and help you find partnerships where you can succeed.

This is an ICTworks initiative – completely independent and separate from USAID.

Please register now. We will be updating our list every day and you do not want to loose out to your competitors who are already registered with us. Don’t worry, we’ll not share your data without your consent.

USAID Forecast Opportunities

The USAID business forecast lists 90 funding opportunities in 20 African countries. Many grants and contracts include direct references to ICT4D solutions and others allude to online, data, and interoperability tools in their suggested approaches, like these:

  • Global Health: Health Systems Strengthening Activity will improve Kenyan systems for health financing, human resources for health, health products and technologies, health information, policy, and governance with up to $300 million over 5 years.
  • Education: Renforcement de la Littératie au Sénégal will improve girls’ and boys’ reading outcomes in kindergarten through second grades and better allocate teachers, books, and finances for high-quality reading instruction with up to $100 million over 5 years.
  • Agriculture and Food Security: Seed-to-Protein Food Security Solution will increase soybean and maize production in Uganda and improve their market access through a digital marketplace with up to $4 million in funding over 3 years.
  • Water and Sanitation: Enhancing WASH will increase access to sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services to households, communities and health facilities in Ghana and improve engagement with the private sector with up to $50 million over 5 years.
  • Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance: Liberia Media Activity will build the capacity of media (radio stations, print media, online media) to maximize impact, elevate citizen voices, and drive government reforms with up to $25 million over 5 years.
  • Economic Growth and Trade: Business Enabling Project will support private sector investment in Zambia‘s rural areas with an enabling environment for investments in agriculture, energy, eco-tourism and sustainable natural resource management with up to $25 million over 5 years.

What are you waiting for? Register your digital solution now!

Filed Under: Featured, Funding
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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26 Comments to “Register Now: $4 Billion in USAID Funding for African Country Programs”

  1. Collins Ochieng wasonga says:


  2. Okolo Anastacia says:

    Hi how do I apply for the grant

  3. Nosililo Penny Ndhlovu says:

    Morning I wish to apply

  4. Collins Iheoma Ogbonna says:

    Am interested, please how do i apply?

    • Wayan Vota says:

      Please register your company using the link above. You must register via that link to note your interest. A comment here is not enough.

  5. Raphael Ololo says:

    Am interested in agriculture and food security

  6. Nathaniel Kazungu Ngala Mwagandi says:

    Am interested how do I apply

    • Wayan Vota says:

      Please register your company using the link above. You must register via that link to note your interest. A comment here is not enough.

  7. Dr. Daniel Ngeno says:

    We desirously in need of this support this support but it is not easy to get in touch. Show me the way.

  8. O'Bright Edward says:

    My Organization needs your Support.

  9. Reineth Maabane says:

    Please help children between 5 and 14 years to have access of teaching and learning technology and to be developed in digital media studies. They are from rural area where there is no access of internet infrastructure especially for learning. Please I am requesting your donations

  10. Esther Strydom says:

    Hello I will likeTo apply

  11. Daniel Ngeno says:

    Help me to get connected to this ICT Works excellent technological guide and funds support to Education/Agriculture/small business projects for individuals and Community Self -Help Groups

  12. Karen Atieno Oyiengo says:

    Great idea..our primary school in rural Kenya would really benefit. CBC the new education system would be boosted to realisations. Thank you

  13. How can we register as organization?

  14. Karen Atieno Oyiengo says:

    If you are u Kenya HUDUMA Centre in your County. You will get a lot of guidance from there.

  15. Tula Christian Youth Association is a faith base group that assist the youth, the church and the community at large. Through advocacy of hygiene, social and economic development. Support less previlage in their education and advocate peaceful co-existance. Organize conference and seminars for the youth. We really need your support.

  16. I would like to apply for possible funds. Please guide us on how we can proceed !

  17. Chagga Bulus Y. says:

    Hi, can I apply for this fund?

  18. Ishmael says:

    Hello m pastor Joseph Lsk Mpararia from Kenya Africa Nairobi I have seen what you doing and I really appreciate.

  19. Alinafe Mtitimila says:

    Can this grant be available for start up malawian companies? If so, i am interested

  20. Lindiwe Mgabhi says:

    We are the organisation of Nkosibagcine Orphans HIV/AIDS. Working with 110 children and 40 volunteers. We are in need of shelter and food parcels

  21. Philip nzuma says:

    Philip nzuma Kenyan citizen,my project is committed to assisting street children orphans and vulnerable children, we have 350 children in our private school,we provide them with the following, school uniforms ,food, water,and accommodation for three quarters of them are orphans the rest belongs to single mothers,we also provide many families with basic needs,we request for grant for good livelihood of these children and their families, your support will improve many lives,covid 19 has pushed us hard, thanks in advance, Philip m nzuma director.